807, 2022

Amazing Muay Thai: Muay Thai Grows Through WBC Muay Thai and Tourism Agreement

By |July 8th, 2022|

Amazing Muay Thai Announced The World Boxing Council Muay Thai, Tourism Authority of Thailand, and Sports Authority of Thailand joined hands. The three organizations are pushing forward a new tourism campaign, "Amazing Muay Thai." The organizations signed an official agreement at the Tourism Authority of Thailand headquarters. The program began development in 2020. It aims [...]

2606, 2022

Muay Thai Gram Enters Sponsorship Agreement With Warriors Cup Promotion

By |June 26th, 2022|

Muay Thai Gram is proud to announce a partnership with Warriors Cup. Muay Thai Gram will assist with media, marketing, and promotion for the upcoming July 29th show at Melrose Ballroom. Promoting Muay Thai In The USA “Muay Thai Gram is a huge voice for the community. It covers the sport internationally and includes the [...]

2001, 2022

2021 Muay Thai Gram Awards

By |January 20th, 2022|

It was another hard year for the world of Muay Thai. Stadiums and shows opened up and then were shut down. Gyms experienced waves of Covid closures making consistency difficult. But three hundred sixty five days passed and life continued. We wanted to point to the highs of the year. Pro Muay Thai Fighter Male: [...]

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