
Muay Thai Moments

Captured And Created

Supporting The Sport We Love

About Muay Thai Gram

Muay Thai Gram was incorporated in 2019 as a joint project. Brett Hlavacek, Alfredo de Alejo, and Matt Lucas joined together to change the way the sport was told. The goal was simple. Muay Thai Gram focuses on the everyday tales of life in and out of the ring that make the sport.  The stories of the fighters, trainers, coaches, and gyms are the foundation of Muay Thai.

Build the base and Muay Thai will grow.



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Amazing Muay Thai: Muay Thai Grows Through WBC Muay Thai and Tourism Agreement

By |July 8th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Amazing Muay Thai Announced The World Boxing Council Muay Thai, Tourism Authority of Thailand, and Sports Authority of Thailand joined hands. The three organizations are pushing [...]

They Didn’t Come To Cheer But They Buy The Tickets: The Relationship Between Gamblers And Fighters in Muay Thai

By |April 5th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Article Originally Published In Main Stand by Alongot Deuanklony: Link Here Translation by Matt Lucas and Chompuu Sriyotee:   Sports arenas are built for capitalism in [...]


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